Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Golden Yellow Powder

This exotic yellow root spice is a member of the ginger family. It is used in Indian cooking since time immemorial. Turmeric is said to have anti-inflammatory properties and is also an excellent antiseptic. It is also great for the skin. For more on how to cure acne in 3 days visit For More on how to cure Acne in 3 Days……
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The Golden Yellow Powder
This exotic yellow root spice is a member of the ginger family. It is used in Indian cooking since time immemorial. Turmeric is said to have anti-inflammatory properties and is also an excellent antiseptic. It is also great for the skin. For more on how to cure acne in 3 days
My mother who lived to the ripe old age of 86 years regularly used turmeric powder in her cooking and applied a little amount to her face and neck as a daily regime. She had spotless smooth skin even in her old age. I strongly believe in home cures for skin ailments such as acne or pimples. So before you invest in expensive creams, just take a look around your kitchen . A small amount applied regularly on a boil or pimple clears up the skin very effectively. Take equal proportions of turmeric and sandalwood powder and mix with a little water to form a paste. Apply this paste every night after cleansing the area. You pimple is sure to dry out without leaving a scar. To find out more on how to clear those spots on your face Click Here!

Turmeric does wonders for your skin tone and color too. Applying a mixture of a little turmeric mixed with cucumber or lemon juice to the face everyday, will not only improve the skin color but will also prevent new boils or pimples from appearing. For those who have skin pigmentation problems, applying a little turmeric paste mixed with cucumber juice and leaving it on for about 15 minutes or so can do miracles. Follow this regime for at least week and you will see noticeable changes in the skin color as well as tone.
This wonderful root works as a great body scrub. Applying a mixture of turmeric powder and gram flour mixed with a little milk and water over the entire body leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth. Gently remove the mixture by using a rubbing motion and then have a bath. Do this regularly and your skin will start to feel much better in just a few weeks.
Ageing of the skin is caused due to damage to the cells. Turmeric acts as a excellent anti oxidant thereby preventing the ageing of the skin.

For More on how to cure Acne in 3 Days……
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